Nov 4, 2013

Filling the gap with Steve Jobs

By Dóra Groó, president of the Association of Hungarian Women in Science.

From my national and international view, I can say that in order to change the traditional and pre-modern processes and stereotypes — in every part of the life ― we always need good practices, which we can use to underpin the necessity of our aims and tools; and role models who can prove that nothing is impossible, thus legitimating our work. 

Today in the ICT and in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) sector, women need to be more mentored, encouraged, inspired and supported, because these sectors need more female talents, otherwise the industry won’t be sustainable and renewable. A lot must be done before we got the talents. 
 «We need role models who can prove that nothing is impossible, thus legitimating our work» 
We should start to support and encourage the girls — from childhood through the high school years and finally the university ― not to be afraid of math and informatics. Imagine if Steve Jobs had been a woman. People would say: “Hey girl! If Ms Jobs did it, you can also do it! Go and code that robot!”. 

If Steve Jobs had been a woman, we could break the glass ceiling and fill the gap in one second.

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